Jack Thatcher


Life So Far

Jack Thatcher was did not have the greatest start to life, born to parents with substance abuse issues it only took a few months before he was handed over into the foster system. Not much is known about his early life, in a system that passed him from home to home he had the innate sense of impermanence. The majority of the families he stayed with were alright but Jack never felt like he belonged to them. He was an odd child, emotionally distant and claimed to see things that would be called "imaginary friends". He always claimed people where there that others couldn't see. .Time went on and he never grew out of these "imaginary friends" but he did learn to stop talking about them. He realized his odd behaviour had prevented him from getting adopted but in his teenage years now it was too late to hold out for a full adoption. In his experience only babies and toddlers got adopted. This fact never bothered him too much. No household had been special enough to want to stay but a few had been bad enough to desperately want to leave. The way he saw it he had never had a permanent home so he couldn't miss what he never had.Increased isolation and visions of things that supposedly weren't there lead Jack to belive he was insane but scared to be locked up in a mental hospital he decides to "self medicate" which meant sneaking out to drink until he felt numb enough to sleep. Sleep had always been a problem. The spirits refused to ever speak to him until he closed his eyes to sleep. Then they started to speak all at once and loudly and unable to respond they would start to yell and scream. This created an unhealthy balance of relying on caffeine to stay awake during the day and alcohol to fall asleep at night. This carried on until he hit eighteen and had to get a job and make his own way in the world.As a 20 year old Jack works the night shift at a factory still balancing night and day by interchanging caffeine and alcohol with sleeping pills and cough syrup added into the mix. There was a short time when he had tried more mind altering drugs however this only seemed to amplify the screams and present him with awful hallucinations. He lives in a basement studio apartment with his pet ferret, Rufio. To combat loneliness Jack attends a weekly AA group despite making no effort to curb his own reliance on alcohol, he also stops by the same diner every morning after work to listen to the conversations around him and imagine himself being involved in those conversations. He had tried to join in a few times however more often than not his deliver was off and people looked more scared

Near Death

It is unknown how or why Jack can see the spirits of the dead but he highly suspected at least one of his parents could too and that was possibly the reason they had gone down the path of excessive drug use. This was only his theory though, there would never be any way to truly know and perhaps the fantasy was better than the reality.The spirits do not communicate with him in any way, they often stay a good distance away. sometimes he can see them mouth words but they are always too far awake to try and make out what they are saying.The only time they make a sound is when he closes his eyes to sleep. at first they sound far away but quickly get closer and more angry and louder until they are screaming in his head.



Name: Jack Thacker
DOB: 01.03.1990
Height: 6'4
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Dark Brown


Jacks Personality would be considered odd, He often uses the wrong tone that is accompanied by an unsettling stare. He can't always identify what exactly he is going wrong and finds himself trying to mimic other peoples tones and body movements. Although odd he is not shut off from the works, he does like to at least try to talk to others and make some kind of connection.
His body language often shows discomfort even when he isn't necessarily uncomfortable, he holds himself awkwardly and more often than not can be caught staring at others.